
My List

  • 3. Be respectful. :D
  • 2.never choose the wrong. D:<
  • 1.Always choose the right

Monday, March 4, 2013

 The Power of Study Groups
Working together helps everyone
You may have noticed that when you’re explaining something you’ve learned to a friend, you being to understand it better yourself. This happens because, when you explain an idea, you need to think more deeply about it.
The same principle makes study groups useful. Studying with others in a small group is helpful because you:
. Think out loud
.Share ideas
. learn from one another
In an affective study group, you and other students hash out lesson materials together—explaining concepts, arguing about them, figuring out why one person’s answer differs from another’s—and in the process, you most likely learn more that you would have studying by yourself.

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